Would you like to experience the International Maritime Museum from Home? We have uploaded many information and activities for you to enjoy online. Here is a list of them.
Maritime Social Media
For years now, we update the profiles of the Museum on Facebook and instagram on a daily basis. There you will find all news about the Museum, information on guided tours, lectures, publications, opening times, special exhibihtions and events. but you will also fins over a thousand glimpses in our collection. Those are pictures of our exhibits, together with short English-language articles expalining the most exciting aspects of their background. We post new „glimpses“ like those several times a week. But, most of all, we are always ready to communicate with you through social media. We allway do our best to answer your questions and feedback with as little delay as possible.
You are more than welcome to join the international community of the museum on:
Building ships from home
„If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.“
This was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéri in his work “The City in the Desert”. But maybe a printer, paper, glue and some simple tools are enough to buld a ship.
We have cardboard Modelling sheets in our website and they are free for you to download. With them you can bulid our fishing cutter and our Viking ship. Both ship models are good for beginners but also fun for experienced model makers. They are also a great activity to make with your faimly.
You can find the building instructions and the modelling sheets here:
The Adventures of Rubens the Cat
Have you met RTibens yet? He is the ship’s cat of the Intrernational Maritime Museum Hamburg, good friends with Captain Kuddel and even a comic book star!
You can join him in his advertures from home now. This is a great way to get ready for a visit to our museum!
Are you ready for the quiz with Rubens the Cat?
Online Guided Tours: discovering the museum from home
Would you like to get a taste of what we have to offer before you visit us?Or maybe refresh some memories you made in our exhibihtions?
Members of our team guide you throug the museum in the following videos. They share their insight in what stories the exhibits of the Collection Peter Tamm tell. It’s a great way to divbe in the maritime history of humankind.